21“...Judul asli: Introduction to plant virology...”
22“...Judul asli: Wood: chemistry, ultrastructure, reactions...”
23“...Judul asli: the concept of islamic university...”
24“...Jilid 2Judul asli: fundamental university physics...”
25“...Judul asli: resource and enviromental management...”
26“...Judul asli: Plant pathology...”
27“...Judul asli: Introduction to biostatistic...”
28by Selden, Raman“...Judul asli: a reader guide to contemporary literature theory...”
Published 1993
29by Wirjosoedirdjo, Sri Jatno, Sears, Francis W., Zemansky, Mark W., Young, Hugh D., Soegeng“...Judul asli: university physics...”
Published 2001
30“...Judul asli: Pharmaceutical analysis - parwa A : modern methods...”
31“...Judul asli: Allgemeine mikrobiologie...”
32“...Judul asli: Fondantion enginering...”
34“...Judul asli: Introduction to statistical quality control...”
35by Buringh, P.“...Judul asli: Introduction to the study of soils in tropical and subtropical regions...”
Published 1993
36“...Judul asli: Introduction to basic cardiac dysrhytmia...”
37“...Judul asli : Elisa technology in diagnosis and research...”
38“...judul asli writing at University a guide for students...”
40“...Judul asli: Cours de linguistique generale...”