61“...Judul asli: Environmental physiology of plants...”
62“...Judul asli: Enviromental physiology of plants...”
63“...Judul asli: Traffic planning and engineering...”
64“...Judul asli: The general teory of employment, interest and money...”
65“...Judul asli: Decision making processess in four west Javanese Villages...”
66“...Judul asli: Frontier orbitals and organics chemical reactions...”
68“...Judul asli: A Readers guide to contemporary literary theory...”
69“...Judul asli; Survey methode in community medicene an introduction to epidemological and evaluative...”
70“...Judul asli: Designing organik synthesis : a programmed introduction to the synthon approach...”
71“...Judul asli: University physics 10th Ed. Jilid I...”
72“...Judul asli: An introduction to animal husbandry in the tropics...”
73“...Judul asli: Synthetische arzneimittel ein lehr und handbuch...”
74by Tjitrosoepomo, Gembong, Smith, Harris Pearson, Wilkes, Lambert Hanry, Purwadi, Tri“...Judul asli: Farm machinery and equipment...”
Published 1990
75“...Judul asli: Rapid assesment of sources of air, water and land population...”
76“...Judul asli: The science of food : an introduction to food science, nutrition and mikrobiologi...”
77“...Judul asli: Plan parasitic nematodes in subtropical and tropical agriculture...”
78“...Judul asli: Elemen of photogrammetry with air photo interpretation and remote sensing...”
79by Padmawinata, Kosasih, Wattimena, Joke R., Schunack, Walter, Mayer, Klaus, Haake, Manfred, Soebito, Sriewoelan“...Judul asli: Arzneistoffe, Lehrbuch der Pharmazeutishen chemic...”
Published 1990
80“...Judul asli: Klasik, kitsch or contemporary : a study of the Javanese performing arts...”